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See what stand-up comedy shows are going on in Canada
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Comedy CarouselEvent Details

Producer:Marc-Anthony Sinagoga
Email: Contact Show Producer

COMEDY CAROUSEL: A New Format Comedy Show; Putting a spin on stand up comedy.
The show where everyone is the headliner.
Four comedians on stage at once, telling jokes from their comedy repertoire based on the topic given each round by your host Marc Anthony Sinagoga.

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Comedy CarouselEvent Details

Producer:Marc-Anthony Sinagoga
Email: Contact Show Producer

COMEDY CAROUSEL: A New Format Comedy Show; Putting a spin on stand up comedy.
The show where everyone is the headliner.
Four comedians on stage at once, telling jokes from their comedy repertoire based on the topic given each round by your host Marc Anthony Sinagoga.

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Foundations of ComedyEvent Details

Producer: Shawn JUstason Carhart
Email: Contact Show Producer

That’s right step right up to the FOUNDATIONS OF COMEDY, new venue to the comedy scene but not new faces.
Hosted by the slightly unique IAN ESTEY

American Headliner Brian Giles
and locals
– Brian Godsoe
– Travis Boyce
– Sam Laidman

Come have a drink, laugh your face off and learn the true FOUNDATIONS of COMEDY

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Dirty LiarEvent Details

Producer: MuttiB
Email: Contact Show Producer

Toronto’s best comedians try to pull one over on you in this hilarious high energy storytelling extravaganza! If you manage to catch them in a lie they face the ultimate punishment, washing their mouths out with soap…okay they chew a pack of Thrills gum but same deal… trust, it’s nasty.

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Comedy LabEvent Details

Producer: Williamson Bros.
Email: Contact Show Producer

Weekly Sunday Comedy Open Mic at the Thirsty Scholar loft in Saskatoon, SK. Show starts at 8pm. Signup is at 7:30pm. Want to Try Stand-up, Improv or Sketch? Show up and sign-up… Have some laughs, drink some drinks.. Make some friends. Cover is $5.

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Ladies NightEvent Details

Producer: Juliana Rodrigues

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The Pop-Up Stand-Up ShowEvent Details

Email: Contact Show Producer

The Pop-Up Stand-Up Show is New Brunswick’s first ever show of its kind. Where exactly is the show being held?! That’s what makes this fun. The venue will be announced via Facebook 24 hours before the doors open.
The lineup will feature a mélange of indie and professional comedians and will be announced periodically leading up to showtime.

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Comedy 101 @ Pub 101Event Details

Email: Contact Show Producer

A spot in the Ottawa downtown market where 1st timers can break their cherry & vets can try out new material.

When: One Sunday a month @ Pub 101.
Where: 101 York St
Cover: Pay What You Can
Time: 8pm-ish

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Punch Up ComedyEvent Details

Email: Contact Show Producer

Punch Up: A Positive Space Comedy Night – It runs every Wednesday from 6-8 at The Emmet Ray. Every week we feature four booked comedians, as well as a number of sign up spots where women are prioritized. We have a very supportive atmosphere and it’s a completely FREE show!

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Crazy EightsEvent Details

Producer: A Show of Strength
Email: Contact Show Producer

Crazy Eights is a monthly evening of comedy performed by comedians who have been diagnosed or identify with a Mental Illness. Presented by A Show of Strength and Longslice Brewery the show takes place from 8:30 – 10:00 pm every 4th Thursday at the Social Capital Theatre on the third floor (not wheelchair accessible)

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The Shortweird ShowEvent Details

Producers: Shortweird Productions
Email: Contact Show Producer

Witness “The Shortweird Show”, the 4th annual installment of the comedy-variety show hosted by Marcel St. Pierre. This year’s show is also the BOOK LAUNCH for Marcel’s newest book of humour CLICHE AND WIND GO HITCHHIKING. Copies will be on hand for purchase and signing!

This year’s lineup features stand-up with MARTHA CHAVEZ (Just For Laughs, CBC, SheDOT), NOUR HADIDI (JFL, CBC, Sirius XM) DAN REDICAN (CBC, Comedy Network) , JON STEINBERG (SirusXM, JFL, CBC), JEREMY WOODCOCK (CBC, Sketchfest, JFL42) and sketch from PARKER & SEVILLE (Sketchfest, The Beaverton)

MUSICAL GUESTS: Captain Cowboy & The Money Maker “Old time folk and americana played at a ragtime pace, rounded by jazzy vocals and a gritty finish.” – INSPADES MAGAZINE

EVENTBRITE ADVANCE ONLINE TICKETS: $10 advance for show only.

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